(un)learning Architecture?
Marlene Wagner
guests: WAI Architecture Think Tank (online), Katta Spiel, Karin Ferrari at Kongress der Wissenden, Decolonizing in Vienna
Hannah Jaksch, Layan Salame, Ghayad Khatib
#Vienna Architecture Summer School 2022
#(un)learning #architecture #knowledges #theory #feminisms #coloniality #university #designresearch #joy
As part of the Vienna Architecture Summer School, beyond the institution of the university in the centre of the imperial city of Vienna, the workshop asks what and how we and Architecture need to unlearn. The workshop will provide a framework through theoretical readings, joint exercises, site visits as well as a series of short contributions from international positions.
We will question knowledge, history and forms of violence in our understanding of architectural education, related practices, formats and tools. We will apply and develop the guiding question of learning and unlearning Architecture through a series of investigative approaches to re-imagine the institution of higher education as well as our various communities of knowledge. We will focus on the pleasure of producing and sharing experiences and knowledge, drawing on feminist, post- and decolonial theory as well as concepts of critical pedagogy and critical spatial practice.
The starting point are shared stories, exemplary sources such as current "gender and diversity" reports from various universities and diverse online resources. The understanding of learning and unlearning is further inspired by concepts such as the call to decolonise the university, epistemic violence, the pluriversity and approaches of alternative schools and pedagogical projects.
Together we will think, design and document a range of possible ways of knowing, being and making space, drawing on the traditions of design and artistic research and participatory action research, as situated and performative engagements. The aim is to equip all participants through the collective experience, critical reflection, theory in action.
Marlene Wagner, co-founder of the non-profit architecture practice buildCollective, realised international projects of educational, social and technical infrastructures and has been teaching at a number of architecture schools (Vienna University of Technology, University of the Witwatersrand, University of Art and Design Linz, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences) For several years she has been designing formats of learning and tools of engagement in the set up of an urban mobility lab and lead research and cultural projects with diverse institutions and community organisations. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis, is a member of the Claiming*Spaces Collective and part of the jury for the Archiprix International 2021.