
 Julia Obleitner
& Helvijs Savickis

#wholookstroughthecamera? #greenistheanswer #perspective #communicatearchitecture #createthroughlooking #distantspace #Surrealypeculativefiction #whereisthetruthinarchitecture?   

At the outset an image of green.

Throughout this workshop we explore the dynamic relationship between film and space. By exploring the interplay of the moving image and architecture, we investigate how cinematic techniques, including Chroma Key and Green Screen Footage, shape architectural narratives. With 150m2 of green fabric, we will build a green screen studio that can communicate the fictional nature that surrounds us.

A green screen presents an endless range of possibilities. Whatever we can imagine can be brought to life in post-production. We will look at the color green as a promise, ideology and a background. Through video documentation, archive and stock material we will experiment with experimental film techniques. Our aim is to create a short film, treating space as a canvas for cinematic exploration.

The workshop will be process oriented. Participants will engage in daily assignments, open discussions, and screenings, aiming to create a short film and an installation.

Helvijs Savickis
 research centers on humanity’s geopolitical footprints, their documentation, and interaction with them to alter and preserve the perception of collective memories. The exploration primarily centers around spatial installations, architecture and the medium of film, all of which converge to unravel the nuanced interplay of space and time. Helvijs work has been exhibited at various institutions and galleries including the Venice Architecture Biennale (2012 Latvian Pavilion) (2018 Palazzo Bembo), Riga Contemporary Art Museum 2018 and Ars Electronica Linz 2014. His work has been recognized with several grants such as MAK Schindler Scholarship Los Angeles and Latvian Architecture Award 2014. Currently he is a lecturer at the University of Innsbruck Institute for Experimental architecture ./Studio3.

Julia Obleitner
works in collaborations across spatial, image, and text practices, at the intersection of art and architecture. She co-founded dasBAU and is currently a lecturer at the Institute for Experimental Architecture at the University of Innsbruck. Her work has received several awards and grants, including the the Pfann Ohmann Prize, the Austrian Cultural Ministry’s Margarethe Schütte-Lihotzky Grant, the MAK Schindler Scholarship Los Angeles amongst others.


︎MEDIA:  Film - video, sketching ~ building installation + sound //

︎LOCATION: Main location & city of Vienna


︎WHAT TO BRING:  Preferably as good video Camera as possible. Laptop. Note-book for scripts. If possible, tripod

︎REQUIREMENTS: Curiosity featured by some basic editing skills

