Seize the Clay
Max Happ, Ari Nekoviqi, Eurta Salihu, Luisa Lukas, Valentin Kiesel
#hands-on #earthbuilding #localresources

Clay is the oldest building material of mankind and still the most widespread building material worldwide. In modern architecture, however, clay has been pushed out of the market for decades by industrially manufactured building products, which is why it is covered by a veil of doubt in our society. The workshop 'seize the clay' wants to bring the clay into the present. The material is not only sustainable, recyclable and reusable, but is also locally available in Vienna. The city rests on vast quantities of the building resource.
In the course of the workshop, the basic theory of clay as a building material is taught and directly applied in a hands-on project. Material testing procedures as well as the production and testing of mixtures play a role, especially in the initial phase. The focus of the workshop is on teaching a selection of different earth building techniques that are used to enhance the space on site.
At the end of the Summer School, the participants will not only have theoretical and practical experience in earthen building, they will also be able to experience the atmospheric and social aspects as well as the topicality and modernity of the material by helping to design the space. This in turn will make a valuable contribution to raising awareness of earth as a building material in contemporary construction
The voluntary association 'Young Earth Builders' (YEB) consists of inspired and motivated people from a wide range of building disciplines. The coming together of the members is based on the conviction that earth is not the building material of the past, but rather a building material of the future. The aim of the association is to bring earthen building out of its niche architectural existence and to establish it as an equal construction method in the building sector. The focus is on the appropriate handling and sensible use of materials. Through various activities, the areas of raising awareness in society, expanding educational opportunities for sustainable building materials as well as networking and exchange for those interested in earthen building are implemented.