Noclipping out of the End Time

A lecture by:
Leonhard Müllner (Total Refusal)

Thursday,  August 29th  //  7:30 PM

Post-apocalypse is the currently dominant speculative future in mass media, allowing for an anxious yet fascinated look at our current crisis-ridden present. In the dystopian settings of video games, players navigate themselves through 'retrotopias', right-wing phantasms where mostly men can finally reclaim their hyper-individualist agency. The panic running through the architecture of Dying Light 2's end times-cityscape explores the fundamental question of a utopian narrative potential buried within its industry.

The marxist media guerilla Total Refusal is a collective of artists, researchers, and filmmakers who upcycle the resources of mainstream video games to create political narratives in the form of videos, interventions, performances, and lectures. Their work has been screened at over 300 film and art festivals and exhibited at various spaces. Since their foundation in 2018, Total Refusal have been awarded with more than 50 prizes and honorary mentions, like the European Film Award or the Best Direction Award at Locarno film festival.